Tork Whisler is a 5th generation farmer from Washington, IA. He and his wife Tricia have two adult sons, Clay and Sawyer. In addition to their contract finishing and grain operation, Tork spent 15 years in the swine construction business with Precision Structures Inc. both as a service technician and then a salesman. He left PSI in 2015 to assume a management roll with Eichelberger Farms. Just recently Tork has returned to the farm full time with his son Sawyer.
Sawyer Whisler is a 20-year-old 6th generation Farmer from Southeast Iowa. Who farms aside his dad Tork. Together they take care of the family’s acres and contract finish roughly 15,000 pigs a year for Eichelberger Farms. Tork and Sawyer do all of this while building an online brand around their family farm. Sawyer is the brains behind the content creation. With hopes to create his own online business one day.
Tork Whisler Sawyer Whisler
What can you learn from this episode of Popular Pig?
- How both Tork and Sawyer became involved with the pork industry
- The inspiration and story behind This’ll Do Farm
- The roles that Tork and Sawyer take on
- Their strategy for creating new exciting content
- The importance of the farming community sharing their stories
- What they have learned from this experience that has changed their perspective of what the future holds for farmers
- Tork & Sawyers Golden Nugget
Other Information:
Tork Whisler
This’ll Do Farm
(319) 461-1562
Facebook: This’ll Do Farm
Instagram: @thislldofarm