About the Guest
From vegetable farm manager to global ISO auditor, David then moved into the poultry sector when he purchased a UK broiler farm in 2004 and continues to operate a contract poultry farm management company in the UK. In 2018, David founded OPTIFarm. OPTIfarm is a very unique data driven support service, currently for poultry and swine, assessing real time farm data against animal behavioural knowledge and human considerations to increase productivity and welfare globally 24/7. David has a broad and open mind regarding the opportunities of data and digital solutions in farming and he has a passion for creating tangible value from digital solutions.
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What can you expect to learn on this episode of Popular Pig?
- The intersection of technology and people.
- The value of improving you and your team’s competency and confidence.
- The factors that are holding technologies back in pork production.
- The dangers of asking one company to provide it all.
- The value of subscriptions and how they truly are supposed to be a partnership.
- David Speller’s “golden nugget”