International Market Development | Bill Luckey & Jess Campbell
About the Guest
Bill Luckey — Nebraska
Bill Luckey, a fourth-generation farmer, owns a wean-to-finish operation in Columbus, Nebraska, and is a part-owner of a sow farm. Bill is responsible for the daily care of 740 nursery pigs and 1,400 finisher pigs. In addition, his family operates a 2,000 head custom contract finisher and markets 10,000 pigs annually. He also grows corn, soybeans and cattle on 700 acres. Bill is serving his second term on the National Pork Board and also serves on the board of directors for the Swine Health Information Center. He has been active on numerous NPB committees, is an Operation Main Street speaker, has served on the National Pork Producers Council board of directors (2008-2014), and on the Nebraska Pork Producers Association board of directors (2001-2007). He was president of the NPPA board from 2006-2007.