Popular Pig Podcast Episodes

The Past, Present, and Future of Supply Chain and Inflation | Chris DuBois

About the Guest

Chris is a widely respected sales and marketing leader who delivers breakthrough growth for clients and builds high performance teams. He presents frequently on industry-changing trends, and his expertise is sought by senior executives of both retailers and food/packaged goods companies. In addition, he partners with industry trade associations and serves on several councils and boards.


Attracting, Engaging, and Retaining a High Performing Team | Shonda Sammons

About the Guest

Shonda Sammons is a partner and Program Leader with the sister organization of 21st Century, 21st Century Agriculture Leadership. With over 30+ years of experience, she works with employers and employees to provide coaching, guidance, and leadership development. In addition to her highly engaging facilitation style, Shonda converts individuals into enterprising champions and assists companies in identifying in-house talent and matching employee skill sets to job responsibilities.


We Must Protect Our Pigs | Dr. Jack Shere

About the Guest

Dr. Jack A. Shere is the Deputy Administrator for Veterinary Services at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Beyond the domestic program diseases work that is a large part of the Veterinary Services mission, Dr. Shere has worked on animal disease outbreaks of Salmonella enteridittis (SE), Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in England, Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI), Exotic Newcastle Disease (END), and High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). During the 2002-2003 Exotic Newcastle Disease Outbreak in California, Texas, New Mexico, and Utah, he served as the Joint Area Commander and Incident Commander for the task force that eradicated this disease from the United States.


Innovative Thinking: Silicon Valley to the Farm | Steve Lerch

What can you expect to learn from this episode of Popular Pig?

  • Why the topic of innovation and innovative culture matters.
  • Why patterns can be dangerous even when they are formed through success.
  • Why people fear the concept and practice of innovation.
  • The story of Kodak “The Kings of Photography”
  • What is the next big opportunity for the pork industry.
  • Steve Lerch’s “golden nugget”

The Importance of Water Biosecurity | Jesse McCoy

About the Guest

Currently the Business Unit Specialist for Water Treatment at Neogen Corporation, Jesse develops and implements water treatment chemicals and programs to aid in production animal health in poultry, swine, and ruminants. Jesse assists Neogen’s partners in the field and laboratory as well as production managers, veterinarians, and independent producers in setting up cost-effective water programs tailored to their needs.  Jesse also presents “technical-yet-practical” water quality opportunities worldwide and is involved in the research and development of Neogen products associated with water treatment. Jesse is also a Certified Water Specialist from WQA.


The Key To Success In Animal Welfare Programs | Jason McAlister

About the Guest

Jason McAlister, president CloverLeaf Animal welfare Systems, started his career at the world-famous Gilbertville locker. He went on to work with IBP and Tyson until 2007, when he transitioned to Triumph Foods. He has since led their animal welfare program, was a past NAMI animal welfare committee chair, and served as an advisor to the National Pork Board’s animal welfare committee. Jason has taken part in many taskforce projects including the common swine industry audit task force. Jason founded Cloverleaf in 2007 to help small and medium-size businesses with their animal welfare programs. CloverLeaf has successfully expanded across the Americas with clients from Canada to Brazil. They have even expanded into Africa and are pursuing opportunities to make a difference in Europe.  


Providing Real Pork For Everyone | Bill Even & Gene Noem

About the Guest

Gene Noem finishes hogs at JMG Farms in Howard County. Gene also manages the contracted gilt multiplication for PIC North America. He is in his second term on the National Pork Board of Directors, and currently serving as President.  Noem grew up in eastern South Dakota. His base experience is rooted in his experience with his parents. They were careful in spending, liberal in work, and determined to give their 4 kids a great foundation in work ethic, and the long view regarding success.  Noem resides in Ames with his wife Jennifer. He is especially proud of Megan, their daughter. If successful in his role on the Board of Directors, the Pork Board will have a robust and productive annual planning and prioritization process, involving state and other national organizations in a collaborative process.


The War on African Swine Fever: Part 2 | Dr. Adrian Balaban & PJ Corns

About the Guest

Dr. Adian Balaban is the executive director of Pork & Co., Cooperativa Silistea Productie Suine, which is also a genetic multiplier for Topigs Norsvin. Additionally, Dr. Balaban serves as the President of the Romanian Association of Swine Veterinarians and serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Romanian Pork Producers Association. He is also a consultant for the United Nations.


The War on African Swine Fever: Part 1 | Dr. Adrian Balaban & PJ Corns

About the Guest

Dr. Adian Balaban is the executive director of Pork & Co., Cooperativa Silistea Productie Suine, which is also a genetic multiplier for Topigs Norsvin. Additionally, Dr. Balaban serves as the President of the Romanian Association of Swine Veterinarians and serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Romanian Pork Producers Association. He is also a consultant for the United Nations.
